Photo taken in Pacific Spirit Regional Park in Vancouver |
A blog has been present
Since the poems began
The words started playing on a page
And then appeared in a blog
It's been like a process
No doubt about that
Follow the Heart, Sigue el Coraz贸n
Was the name of the first blog
Named because of the first poem
In English & Spanish the Words appeared
I'll find the poem
And post it here at the end
Other names appeared too
Living the Creative Force You Are
An experiment again
Playing and Seeing
And now
It's come to an end
To let a beginning
Flow in freedom
To let the Alchemy
Soar in Rainbow Flowers
With one mission
One intention:
May the Words Here
Celebrate the Presence
We Are
Taking you on an Inner Journey
And so
The Word Made Alquimia
Comes to life
As I say Goodbye to
Follow the Heart, Sigue el Coraz贸n
Honour & Love
Happy & Content
Thank you!
Maria Del Carmen Stubbs
Here is the poem Following the Heart in English and Spanish,
published on January 16th 2009.
There are many other poems from the original blog
that I may share again some day.
We'll see. Much Love.
the Heart
have to say NO
The tummy
feels sick
Such is the
power of having to say NO
What does
this mean?
NO: This
will not please "the other"
NO: I will
not be loved
NO: I am an
unhelpful, non-loving person
In a
phrase: A Bad Girl
The Good
Girl Syndrome
Oh, YES!
Very, very powerful!
"Be a
good girl..."
Lots of
rewards: "You're such a good girl!"
Pats on the
head & smiles & hugs
What a
message! YES, YES, I want to be good!
YES: This
pleases "the other"
YES: I will
be loved
YES: I am a
helpful, loving person
In a
phrase: A Good Girl
BUT this is
deceptive, you find out!
doesn't always work out
other" knows you're a good girl
You get
manipulated. And you realise!
realise: "I'm stupid!"
lesson: "I'm not going to be good!"
Being good
equals being a fool
I'm going
to say NO
NO: I don't
care if you're pleased or not
NO: Who
needs love?!
NO: I want
to be unhelpful & non-loving to PROTECT myself!
In a
phrase: A Bad Girl
Phew! What
a life!
Lots of
But am I
happy with this realisation?
To protect
myself from "the other", be unhelpful
Boo! Hoo!" The Love cries!!!
My heart is
is grey!
Life can't
be this fear!
And one day
you hear "Follow your heart"
And you
hear "Be yourself"
Many other
sacred words and pointers
your heart!"
tells you "There are 'high-quality NOS"
New lessons
You begin
to follow your heart
other" is seen to be part of your heart
Not someone
who wants something from you
You see the
And then:
The Truth can be spoken
It can be,
All from
the Heart!
YES, you
have to be brave
And the
sickly feeling in the tummy
YES, it
might appear now and then
YES, it's
been a deep-seated habit!
it's not really 'sickly' after all!)
Tell the
Truth! Follow the Heart!
it's a NO, but it's a loving NO!
And a
loving NO is a YES!
Siguiendo el Coraz贸n
A veces hay
que decir que NO
La barriga
siente angustia
Tal es el
poder de tener que decir que NO
significa esto?
NO: Esto no
complacer谩 al “otro”
NO: No ser茅
NO: No soy
una persona amable ni cari帽osa
En una
frase: Una Ni帽a Mala
El S铆ndrome
de la Ni帽a Buena
¡Oh, S脥!
¡Muy, muy poderoso!
una ni帽a buena..."
recompensas: "¡Eres una ni帽a tan buena!"
Caricias en
la cabeza & sonrisas & abrazos
mensaje! S脥, S脥, ¡Quiero ser buena!
S脥: Esto
complace al “otro”
S脥: Ser茅
S脥: Soy
una persona amable y cari帽osa
En una
frase: Una Ni帽a Buena
PERO esto
es enga帽oso, ¡es lo que averiguas!
Esto no
siempre funciona
otro" sabe que eres una ni帽a buena
manipulan. ¡Y te das cuenta!
Te das
cuenta: "¡Soy tonta!"
lecci贸n: "¡No voy a ser buena!"
Ser buena
es igual a ser tonta
Voy a decir
que NO
NO: Me da
igual que est茅s complacido o no
NO: ¡¿Qui茅n
necesita el amor?!
NO: No
quiero ser ni amable ni cari帽osa para ¡PROTEGERME!
En una
frase: Una Ni帽a Mala
¡Uf! ¡Qu茅
¿Pero soy
feliz con esta comprensi贸n?
del “otro”, no ser amable
¡¡¡El Amor grita!!!
Mi coraz贸n
est谩 roto
¡Todo est谩
¡La Vida
no puede ser este temor!
Y un d铆a
oyes "Sigue tu coraz贸n"
Y oyes "S茅
t煤 misma"
muchas palabras y se帽aladores sagrados
tu coraz贸n!"
Alguien te
dice "Hay NOES de ‘alta calidad’”
¿Un NO de
alta calidad?
nuevas lecciones
Empiezas a
seguir tu coraz贸n
Al "otro"
se le ve como parte de tu coraz贸n
No como
alguien que quiere algo de ti
¡Ves la
Y entonces:
Se puede hablar la Verdad
Puede ser,
"S脥", "NO", "NO LO S脡"
desde el Coraz贸n!
S脥, tienes
que ser valiente
¡OH S脥!
Y la
sensaci贸n angustiosa en la barriga
S脥, puede
aparecer de vez en cuando
S脥, ¡ha
sido un h谩bito profundamente arraigado!
realmente no es ‘angustioso’ despu茅s de todo!)
¡Di la
Verdad! ¡Sigue el Coraz贸n!
A veces es
un NO, pero es un NO desde el amor!
Y un NO
desde el amor es un ¡S脥!
¡¡UN S脥