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A Fresh Start

  The Path  Opens up before me All that's needed Is to go forward Somehow  It all feels magical How movement happens How the scenery Subtly and inexorably changes And then... A new place A new time Somewhere else And yet... Right now I'm here Wow A miracle really How a fresh start Is given Received In every moment Here Now We Walk our Path Looking at what's around us Inside us As the scenery transforms With gratitude for all  All that have been given and received 🌟 May 2025 Be The fresh start in every moment We long for so! 🌟 May there Be Peace on Earth and In All Hearts Now & Forever! 🌟 Photo taken at Pitt-Addington Marsh, Pitt Meadows, BC, Canada,  December 2024

Message in a Mug

You came in a box of tea
A little message
On a piece of string
To give weight and pull
Its practical function
On a fragrant tea-bag
The message modestly
Hangs over
The blue-flowered mug
They seem
The hot water pours
Into the mug with a yellow sea of blue flowers
Steam showers upwards
While two eager hands
Embrace the garden-arrayed mug
Appreciative & Grateful
Mmmm... nice cup of hot tea
And in my favourite mug
Silent words from the heart
Only seen
In that knowingly satisfied smile
Oh, a message!
Always fun to see
The Universe writing to you
You love it!
The Universe loves it!
Its signs to see
A gift for you
Orange-rimmed glasses
Small print
Just two words
Must be a jewel
Clothed in perfumed chamomile
Waiting to be read
Knowing that reading
Necessary is not
For messages come in all directions
For you to see
For you to receive
A Gift of Gold
Two fingers excitedly hold
The humble message
Honouring & Enjoying
The Universe's mirth
Noticing miracle messages
That can come in the dozens
Gifts for you
Intimate conversations
Received by the Heart
Oh, send me a message
Universe of Universes!
Ha! Ha! Ha!
Hmm... Here it is...

Be heard

The seven letters




Dance into the open heart
Laughter & Recognition
Deep deep contentment
Yes, I'm paying attention!
Ah, so apt!
Of course
Can one doubt the aptness of a sacred message?

Be heard
Be heard
Be heard

I take a sip of daisy tea
Chamomile wrapped
In a bouquet of Forget-Me-Nots
OK, OK, I get it!
Ha! Ha! Ha!
More messages?

Be heard

Sip, sip, the hot liquid
Spirals in between the Words
Words of Alchemy
Mmm... Alquimiaaaa

Chamomile Daisy + Forget-Me-Not + Love + Gratitude + Openness
= A Message from You

Be heard

The alchemy does its golden chemistry
The Words transform
This moment
This eternity
This stillness
No time needed
To say
To hear!

Be heard

I lay down
The Messenger Mug
Close the eyes
Savouring & Relishing
The simplicity of it all
The complexity of it all
The delicious mystery of it all

And I rest
In the Sea
A Never-ending Alchemical Elixir
A two-worded
Message from the Universe

Be heard

Here is the mug and the message :)

And some honouring needed:

The title "Message in a Mug" is inspired by Sting's "Message in a Bottle". 
Now I want to hear the song so I'll share it here too. :)

Oh, and the tea-bags with messages are from 
Traditional Medicinals, Organic Chamomile