Photo taken from one of my mother's wreaths November 21st 2015 |
There is of course
Something scary
About that word
Noticed that
'She died'
Shocks rather
'She passed away'
Seems to soothe
All on its own
Nicer for me
The word 'away'
Is much too far
For what I sense
Words only
Yet we know
The alchemy
The power
Not only words
More than words
A whole creation
A whole life
A whole manifestation
Of an energy expressed
Each will bring
Some sensation to you
I know
I have seen it
My mother
Holding her hand
Singing in her ear
"You can do it!
Feel your wings, my love!
Time to fly, to soar
You are free to be!
You're going home
Free of form
Everlasting Youthfulness
Your Self that never ages
A transforming tear of relief
And a bittersweet
Pervades our souls
As we both know
She cannot stay in form
She disappears
She leaves
She passes
And the Joyful Pain
At realising she has gone from my embrace
Has no words
No way of being expressed
I celebrate-grieve
Because it is perfect
She rests and is free
I celebrate-grieve
Because it is so sad
I already yearn for her voice and laughter
But I am so happy
So happy to know
That this passing
Is a transformation
Is a going home
Is life, not death
For death is part of life
One cannot be separate from the other
It is a birthing
To another dimension
And I am so grateful
For witnessing this incredible life-changing transformative miraculous and magical moment
When my mother passed
She is
My heart
What Joy
At this knowing
What gratitude
At this knowing
What inspiration
To be born and To die
In the greatest of miracles
Life in form
Life in formlessness
Never-ending Life
Eternal Life
In honour of my mother Carmen Gómez MartÃnez
who passed to another dimension on November 21st 2015.