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A Fresh Start

  The Path  Opens up before me All that's needed Is to go forward Somehow  It all feels magical How movement happens How the scenery Subtly and inexorably changes And then... A new place A new time Somewhere else And yet... Right now I'm here Wow A miracle really How a fresh start Is given Received In every moment Here Now We Walk our Path Looking at what's around us Inside us As the scenery transforms With gratitude for all  All that have been given and received 🌟 May 2025 Be The fresh start in every moment We long for so! 🌟 May there Be Peace on Earth and In All Hearts Now & Forever! 🌟 Photo taken at Pitt-Addington Marsh, Pitt Meadows, BC, Canada,  December 2024

The Fiery Strength of Nothingness

Fiery Spiral
(Original title: Background 876 by Sabine Sauermaul. Licence: Public Domain)

So much
In one split second
A new world seen
Sometimes so little
Aeons pass
An old world pervades
All inter-connectedly play
In the new and old world of dreams
A dream world called reality

One day
You find out
The dream is not the reality
The Real

And then
You find out
Is so full
Of Love
Of Peace
Of Joy
Of Creativity
Of Space and Contentedness
Of Openness
Of Gratitude
Of Tingling Sacredness and Depth
Of Earthy Soaring Here-Now-Completeness
Of Life Itself

You peep out there
Into the dream
And see those
Multi-Coloured Spirals of Nothingness
Swirling Threads of Life
Connecting All!
The awe of the Mystery
Warms the body
Grounding the abdomen with the earth

At times
The dream can be a nightmare
A fiery fury
Heats up the face
In angry recognition
Mixed with frustration and sadness
The boiling reddening explodes in the face
Energy dancing around the head
It grabs your entrails
In tight closure
Unspoken outrage bubbles and broils
Making this unbearable dream
Like a raging burning 
That no water can placate!

And then
A Gift of Nothingness:
A sweet hummingbird suddenly flies to your face
In welcoming joy
It chirps its glorious and full song
Waking you up!

And then
You remember
This Nothingness
Can hold all the nightmares
In Solid Love

The burning desperation 
Drops down, down, down
Into the depths
Freeing all outraged tightness
The fiery steam loosening
Flaring and Flaming
So hot
So much to feel
But you feel it
Trust it
Understand its unanswered ache
That now is answered and felt

It is
The Fiery Love
The Furnace of Life
As anger, frustration and sadness
 Ardent Alchemy in Action
Scorching Strength
Pure Purpose
Joy of Knowing

Let the Fire burn!!

Oh, Flame of Flames
Your gifts are thousand-fold!
The body remembers
Its Natural Transmuting Alchemy
A Diamond Solidness
To come forth
It offers
A Trueness of Being
Never felt before
It steps 
Into the world
The world of dreams
In a new Strength
The Solid, Fiery, Spiralling Strength

Note of Gratitude: 
I want to re-acknowledge the blessing of having so many incredible, wise "Guides of Nothingness" in my Life. 

Thank you so much to: (In order of appearance! :))

Tomas Stubbs
Palmy Guerrero
Eckhart Tolle
Moni Vangolen
Pamela Wilson

In the end, of course, the guides are many or all! But the above have been, are being my constant teachers, mentors, guides of BEING. No words can express this adequately. 
I love you and thank you. :)