roses-in-a-box by Raheel9630 from Pixabay |
What comes to you
When you hear her name?
The box?
The box she could not resist opening?
The box full of chaos and evil?
The woman who's responsible for bringing evil to the world?
But ... Isn't that Eve, too?
Yes, not with the box, but with an apple...
The apple of knowledge of good and evil?
The first mortal human woman
Pandora in Greek mythical tales
Eve in Christian biblical tales
Was clearly a second-rate human
Being a woman
Neither Pandora or Eve could resist disobeying
Neither could resist bringing evil to Paradise
Neither could resist tempting and ruining men
Lovely tale to tell your kids
And the saddest:
Little girls and Little boys
Would get these tales of wisdom
From the wisest of all
The beings they love most
Their Mum & Dad
And yet, there's always love behind this
Just passing down the truth they'd learnt
Making sure you, little girl, you, little boy
Find yourself, know yourself
Just like they did.
Then no hurt will befall you
Protected with this fearful wisdom
Cos, that's what it is:
A psuedo-wisdom originally created by those that feared the Feminine!
With this under their arms
Little girls knew their innate sinfulness
And knew they must hide it well
Be good, at least look like a good girl, dear!
And little boys knew to be as masculine as possible
No trusting those feminine qualities
Oh, no, not to be trusted!
But you may say
I know all this
I didn't get taught any of this stuff
This is pretty obvious
I'm free of this now.
Are you?
Are you really sure?
I look around
I look at the world
And I see Pandora,
Originally the All-Giving Earth Mother
Turned into the mortal woman who brings all evil
In sexual discrimination: women are inferior to men, what??
In denigration of women: let's make a joke about powerful women, why not?
In the patriarchy: male dominance and female oppression for hundreds of years!
Should I go on?
And then I look inside
All the times I've said yes rather than no
All the times I believed I wasn't good enough
That I'd never be good enough
All the times I was afraid of strong capable women
All the times I wanted to be free of the Good Girl Syndrome...
And then I saw Her
And she said to me,
"It's all a lie, Carmy.
The Forefathers feared the Mother
The Mother Of Earth
The Goddess of Love and Peace and Joy and Strength
Each one of us are Her
Male, Female, Gender Free Beings!
Those that feared Her
Wanted the power to control us all
They made up these tales of woe
Where the Feminine was evil.
But it's a lie, my love, a lie.
Free yourself!"
The Divine Feminine
Dressed as Pandora
Opens a golden box.
Roses flow out followed by Poppies, Marigolds, Primroses, Grass Meadows, Forget-Me-Nots, Violets and Lavender!
Enter my heart with the Truth of Self-Love and Self-Discovery they do!
As I sit here
I feel a sweet freedom.
Pandora is so close
And Eve, too.
Is here!
May the Feminine be freed in every soul!
Thank you!